4/8 WWE Main Event Results: The Shield vs. The Wyatt Family, Dolph Ziggler vs. Jack Swagger, New NXT

[Cont] Ambrose runs into a crazy big boot from Harper, turning him inside-out. The Wyatts tag in and out with frequent tags, picking apart Dean in their corner. This goes on for about five minutes, with Ambrose trapped in rest hold after rest hold, occassionally taking a break to get tossed into a barricade. Finally


Ambrose runs into a crazy big boot from Harper, turning him inside-out. The Wyatts tag in and out with frequent tags, picking apart Dean in their corner. This goes on for about five minutes, with Ambrose trapped in rest hold after rest hold, occassionally taking a break to get tossed into a barricade. Finally Dean builds some momentum, breaking a sleeper with a sit-down jawbreaker, but Rowan plants his face into the ground to remain in control. 

Out of nowhere Ambrose catches Harper with a clothesline. In comes Bray Wyatt, who eats a pair of boots to the jaw, before the two brawl to the top rope. Wyatt tries for a superplex, but Ambrose headbutts him a dozen times and comes off the ropes, getting caught with…well, a Rock Bottom, more or less. Reigns hits the ring and takes out Rowan, but Harper suicide dives to the outside sending him crashing over the announce table. Everyone is down. 

Back in the ring, Wyatt tries for Sister Abigail, but Ambrose rolls through with a nice inside cradle for a close two-count. Wicked DDT. Seth Rollins gets the hot tag for his team, dropkicks Harper and Rowan off the apron, and suicide dives first to one side, then hits a crazy twisting senton splash to the other. Bodies are flying everywhere. Seth with a splash in the corner, and he hits Sliced Bread #2 – Bray Wyatt breaks up the pin. Ambrose gets take out by Bray, Bray gets a Superman punch from Reigns, Rowan takes out Reigns, Rollins takes Harper, Reigns takes out Harper – it is absolutely madness. Dean Ambrose puts the match away with Dirty Deeds (Headlock Driver) for the 1-2-3. 

