15 Unexpected Kit Kat Flavors From Japan

Here in North America, we think of delicious Kit Kat as the breakable, chocolaty wafer bar of goodness. However, its an altogether different animal in Japan. Kit Kat is pronounced Kitto Katto, which sounds like Kitto Katsu, which translates to surely win in Japanese. Therefore, Kit Kat has developed into a sort of good luck

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Here in North America, we think of delicious Kit Kat as the breakable, chocolaty wafer bar of goodness.  However, it’s an altogether different animal in Japan.  Kit Kat is pronounced Kitto Katto, which sounds like Kitto Katsu, which translates to “surely win” in Japanese.  Therefore, Kit Kat has developed into a sort of good luck token.  Therefore, the manufacturer has utilized this concept to develop about a gazillion different flavors, many of which are available only in certain regions to celebrate region specific-tastes.

Sweet Potato

via mylostintranslation.com

Apparently mildly flavored, but cloyingly sweet, but how strongly-flavored is the real thing anyway?

Grilled Potato 

via myyearinjapan.wordpress.com

Speaking of potatoes, this tastes just like you'd think, a baked potato with some sugar on it.

College Potato

via myyearinjapan.wordpress.com

Hahaha, the name...it basically means candied yams. Sweet Potato with honey and sesame seeds.  A limited edition flavor, like several others on this list.

Soy Sauce

via myyearinjapan.wordpress.com

According to someone who has tasted it, it doesn't taste at all like soy sauce.  More like maple syrup.  That's probably a good thing.

Matcha Green Tea

via chocablog.com

The staple drink of Japan which is full of anti-oxidants, how does the flavor of this Kit Kat reproduction hold up? Relatively well apparently.  Most reviewers say it has a slightly "green (like grass)" flavor followed up by a bitter after-note, just like the real thing.


via tokyowriter.wordpress.com

Let's not forget this other magical staple of the Japanese diet.  No, you say.  Not in candy form, you say.  Well get over it.  Many reviewers say it's horseradish-y and not unpleasant, but some say they wish for more of the tingle that is supposed to accompany the taste.

Triple Berry

via michaeljohngrist.com

The next in line after the "Double Berry" flavor; this one is comprised of blueberry, strawberry, and cranberry.  The entire experience has been likened to berry-flavored breakfast cereals.

Roasted Corn

via myyearinjapan.wordpress.com

You know, people like what they like.  Who's to say what is right or wrong to deliver in candy form? This one supposedly tastes just like it sounds.  It's also limited edition.

Caramel Macchiato McFlurry

via myyearinjapan.wordpress.com/

How does this even happen? Obscure plus obscure equals obscure.  It's hard to imagine how a macchiato must make its way through several dilatory phases to get to an imitation of an imitation of a regional flavor.


via oyatsubreak.com

The wrapping features the un-bear-ably adorable Rilakkuma and the fingers are a bright, buttery yellow and taste of butter and syrup!! Nothing could be more novel or more satisfying than this Kit Kat breakfast incarnation.

Brandy and Orange

via tobidasu.wordpress.com

You read that right: Brandy.  Now, alcoholic beverage flavors are meeting up in secret with your favorite candy.  Your candy is growing up...

Southern Island Mango

via tobidasu.files.wordpress.com

Not so terribly obscure as other flavors on this list, but this is available only in Okinawa.  It is a regional flavor because of the distinction of mangoes cultivated in this area; they are an Okinawan specialty!

Lemon Vinegar

via tobidasu.files.wordpress.com

That is correct: vinegar.  Consumed mainly for health purposes, if you haven't heard of the craze of drinking apple cider vinegar, you're missing out.  There is also an Apple Vinegar flavored Kit Kat, but don't fret, you won't taste the vinegar.  The lemon flavor is more akin to lemonade, and it's not too tart.

Muscovado Syrup 

via oyatsubreak.com

Unless you're waaaaay into cooking, you probably don't know what this is.  It's a type of dark syrup made from a sugarcane plant on the island of Mauritius. It's super strong with a mild hint of anise. Are you compelled yet to try this Kit Kat for connoisseurs?

Sports Drink

via nevertoomuchglitter.wordpress.com

Do you love the flavor of your favorite electrolyte-replenishing drink more than you can express?  For those times when you're drenched in sweat and your sports drink just isn't delivering the punch and refreshment you truly desire...Sports Drink Kit Kat. Pardon me while I go adjust the location of my lunch.

Infinite Options

via http://hungrycuriouscat.wordpress.com

Some of these flavors can be purchased online, but mostly, you’ll have to find a friend in each region of Japan if you’re ever going to have any hope of trying every flavor before you die. With any luck, you'll get to try some of these fascinating flavors.  If you can dream up a flavor, it's probably already out there somewhere...Watermelon and Salt, Royal Milk Tea, French Salt, Black Honey, Soybean Powder, Edamame, Golden Citrus Combo, Pineapple, Chocobanana, Cherry Blossom, Blueberry Fromage, Apricot Seed, Halloween Pumpkin...the list goes on and on.

